Menyiapkan Generasi Muda Sigap Menghadapi Bencana Tanah Longsor


  • A. M Indriani Universitas Balikpapan
  • G. Utomo
  • F. Harami
  • Y. Az'zahra
  • A. Sani
  • N. Firna
  • A. Octavia
  • T.A. Rachman



landslides, disaster, generation, strong, education


Landslides are one of the natural disasters that have had a wide range of social and economic consequences, including damage to public infrastructure, transportation, and telecommunications, as well as deaths Public understanding of disaster prevention, early sign of a disaster, how to handle it during, and after a disaster occurs is still low so it is necessary to educate the public to minimize losses. Preparing a young generation who is strong in dealing with landslides must be done early so that the community has preparedness when this disaster occurs. The students of  SMP PGRI 2 and SMP Negeri 4 Balikpapan City were chosen to receive education, considering that the location of this school is in an area that has a high potential for landslides because the area has a steep contour and is a densely populated area. Before and after education, a test was conducted to determine the level of students' understanding of the prevention and management of landslides.


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How to Cite

Indriani, A. M., Utomo, G., Harami, F., Az’zahra, Y., Sani, A., Firna, N., Octavia, A., & Rachman, T. (2022). Menyiapkan Generasi Muda Sigap Menghadapi Bencana Tanah Longsor. bdimas niversal, 4(2), 334–340.


