Inovasi Media Pembelajaran: Pelatihan Pengembangan Virtual Reality untuk Meningkatkan Immersive Learning


  • Diky Al Khalidy Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Akbar Fatahillah Faqih
  • Aizul Haswin
  • Syamsul Bachri
  • Sumarmi Sumarmi
  • Sugeng Utaya
  • Alfyananda Kurnia Putra



virtual reality, community service, vr development training


This community service activity aims to provide training in the development and use of Virtual Reality (VR) technology for social studies teachers at SMA Negeri 4 Madiun. The training includes the presentation of VR concepts, guidance on 360-degree image capture, and VR content development. The training method consists of four stages: assessment to analyze the needs of the partners, preparation to design the program according to the needs, implementation of the program as the core activity, and evaluation to gather feedback from the partners. The results of the community service show that the training activities align with the objectives of the community service and have a positive impact based on the difference in pre-test and post-test scores for each indicator: basic understanding of VR (2.19), understanding how to obtain 360-degree images (2.07), understanding how to develop VR (1.94), ability to develop VR-based learning media (2.26), experience using VR-based media (2.07), and confidence in using VR-based learning media (1.88). The integration of theoretical and practical sessions provided teachers with both knowledge and hands-on experience. This training activity is expected to continue sustainably, with the school providing adequate infrastructure and receiving evaluations from teachers and students on the effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance of VR in the learning process.


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How to Cite

Khalidy, D. A., Faqih, A. F., Haswin, A., Bachri, S., Sumarmi, S., Utaya, S., & Putra, A. K. (2024). Inovasi Media Pembelajaran: Pelatihan Pengembangan Virtual Reality untuk Meningkatkan Immersive Learning. bdimas niversal, 6(2), 432–441.


