Penguatan Konsep Bernalar pada Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Workshop Matematika Bagi Guru Segugus II Leuwiliang Bogor


  • Siti Aisah Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor
  • Wirandani Wirandani



reasoning concept, area of plane figures, mathematics learning


Mathematics requires unique teaching strategies so that abstract things that are never seen in real life can be rationally accepted by students, especially at the elementary school level. So students must be given the opportunity to learn through meaningful experiences so that they are able to understand concepts correctly. Reasoning mathematics learning means that the thinking process occurs when learning mathematics. Active involvement of students in the learning process is an absolute requirement for the ability to interpret basic concepts in mathematics. The basic concepts understood will be internalized as long-term mathematical knowledge. How to explain the concept of area of flat shapes to students is a challenge for elementary school teachers. This service activity aims to reinforce to teachers the importance of the concept of reasoning in mathematics learning. The partners for this community service activity are Public Elementary Schools in Cluster II, Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency, which consists of 6 Public Elementary Schools. Through this activity, it is hoped that teachers will continue to develop their competencies and increase their capacity so that they become professional teachers. The service activities went well, the activity participants gave positive responses and stated that the training was very useful for improving teachers' professional competence and the quality of mathematics learning.


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How to Cite

Aisah, S., & Wirandani, W. (2024). Penguatan Konsep Bernalar pada Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Workshop Matematika Bagi Guru Segugus II Leuwiliang Bogor. bdimas niversal, 6(2), 442–448.


